Get Energized in a new way

with the 2-in-1 light glasses

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Step 1: Energize yourself

  • Start your day with full energy
  • Just 30 min. of our blue light are sufficient for optimum activation
  • Effective against daytime fatigue and sleepiness – esp. during the dark season of the year

Step 2: Enter the relaxation mode

  • Find peace and restful sleep
  • Simply insert the special orange filter lenses
  • Effectively filter 99% of ambient blue light that keeps you awake at night

Get Energized in a new way

with the 2-in-1 light glasses

[Hier klicken für die deutsche Version dieser Seite (klick)]

Step 1: Energize yourself

  • Start your day with full energy
  • Just 30 min. of our blue light are sufficient for optimum activation
  • Effective against daytime fatigue and sleepiness – esp. during the dark season of the year

Step 2: Enter the relaxation mode

  • Find peace and restful sleep
  • Simply insert the special orange filter lenses
  • Effectively filter 99% of ambient blue light that keeps you awake at night

What our glasses can do for you:

Fight Winter Blues

Improve your Sleep Quality

Energize you right away

Support you for Night (Shift) Work

Blue Light Glasses Review

In this video Minimalist Biohacker Marco Grosch is talking about the impact of light on our performance. (In German available only. Please use YouTube’s subtitle function.)

Marco is further explaining how he is personally using the glasses and what features he likes most.

2-in-1 Functionality

1. Blue Light Usage

  • Blue light (which is an important part of the natural day light spectrum) is regulating our sleep-wake rhythm
  • The LEDs which are integrated in the glasses‘ frame is providing you the optimum amount of blue light
  • This special blue light has an energizing effect like a sunrise. It feels different than caffeine intake.

2. Blue Light Filtering

  • Blue light in the evening hours is keeping us away from falling sleep easily
  • In addition, blue light at night reduces our sleep quality
  • This unwanted blue light is not only emitted by screens as laptops, TVs and smartphones. Energy saving lamps also emit high amounts of blue light
  • The interchangeable orange-colored lenses, effectively filter 99% of the ambient blue light

2-in-1 Functionality

1. Blue Light Usage

  • Blue light (which is an important part of the natural day light spectrum) is regulating our sleep-wake rhythm
  • The LEDs which are integrated in the glasses‘ frame is providing you the optimum amount of blue light
  • This special blue light has an energizing effect like a sunrise. It feels different than caffeine intake.

2. Blue Light Filtering

  • Blue light in the evening hours is keeping us away from falling sleep easily
  • In addition, blue light at night reduces our sleep quality
  • This unwanted blue light is not only emitted by screens as laptops, TVs and smartphones. Energy saving lamps also emit high amounts of blue light
  • The interchangeable orange-colored lenses, effectively filter 99% of the ambient blue light

Hot to use the glasses in the best way

Sleep Quality

Sleep Quality

1. Nach dem Aufstehen einfach die Brille mit aktivierten blauen LED für 30 Min. nutzen (z.B. beim Frühstück) – für einen optimalen Start in den Tag

2. Tagsüber zur Aktivierung das blaue Licht bei Bedarf für 20-30 Min. verwenden – gegen Dein Mittagstief.

3. Abends nach Sonnenuntergang die orangefarbigen Brillengläser einsetzen und das blaue Umgebungslicht effektiv blocken.

Mehr dazu

1. Turn on the blue light and wear the glasses right after wake-up for 30 minutes (e.g. during breakfast) – for a great start into your day!

2. Whenever you need an extra energy kick besides a caffeine dose, use the blue light for another 20-30 minutes and avoid afternoon sleepiness.

3. After sunset insert the orange colored lenses and effectively filter ambient blue light. Wear the filter glasses at least 45 minutes before bedtime.

Sports Performance

Sports Performance

1. Vor dem Training und vor Wettkämpfen das blaue LED Licht aktivieren und für 20-30 Min. nutzen.

2. Insbesondere bei ungewohnt frühen und ungewohnten späten Wettkämpfen ist es wichtig, den Körper einige Tage vorher auf diese Zeiten vorzubereiten – plane Deine Peak Performance!

3. Regeneriere optimal mit gutem Schlaf und nutze nach Sonnenuntergang die orangefarbigen Brillengläser vor dem Zubettgehen.

Mehr dazu

1. Vor dem Training und vor Wettkämpfen das blaue LED Licht aktivieren und für 20-30 Min. nutzen.

2. Insbesondere bei ungewohnt frühen und ungewohnten späten Wettkämpfen ist es wichtig, den Körper einige Tage vorher auf diese Zeiten vorzubereiten – plane Deine Peak Performance!

3. Regeneriere optimal mit gutem Schlaf und nutze nach Sonnenuntergang die orangefarbigen Brillengläser vor dem Zubettgehen.

Jet-lag Prevention

Jet-lag Prevention

1. Zur BASIC Jetlag-Vermeidung lade Dir ganz einfach die kostenfreie Propeaq App herunter.

2. In wenigen Schritten Zielort und Flugzeiten eingeben und der Algorithmus unserer App errechnet Dir eine Empfehlung für Schlafzeiten und Tragezeiten der Brille.

3. Bereite Deine innere Uhr schon vor dem Flug auf die zukünftige Zeitzone vor.

Mehr dazu

1. Zur BASIC Jetlag-Vermeidung lade Dir die kostenfreie Propeaq App herunter.

2. In wenigen Schritten Zielort und Flugzeiten eingeben und der Algorithmus unserer BASIC App errechnet Dir eine Empfehlung für Schlafzeiten und Tragezeiten der Brille.

3. Bereite Deine innere Uhr schon vor dem Flug auf die zukünftige Zeitzone vor.

Night Work

Night Work

1. Egal ob für die Nachtarbeit oder bei Wechselschichtarbeit – auch hier hilft Dir die App. Lade sie kostenlos herunter.

2. Gib Deine individuellen Arbeitszeiten ein und sie ermittelt die Tragenzeiten der Brille, um Dich optimal zu unterstützen.

3. Aktiviere Dich während der Nachtarbeit oder tagsüber, wenn Du Dich müde fühlst und schlafe nach einer Nachtschicht einfacher ein.

Mehr dazu

1. Egal ob für die Nachtarbeit oder bei Wechselschichtarbeit – auch hier hilft Dir die App. Lade sie kostenlos herunter.

2. Gib Deine individuellen Arbeitszeiten ein und sie ermittelt die Tragenzeiten der Brille, um Dich optimal zu unterstützen.

3. Aktiviere Dich während der Nachtarbeit oder tagsüber, wenn Du Dich müde fühlst und schlafe nach einer Nachtschicht einfacher ein.

Why you should be using these glasses!


  • Get out of bed more easily
  • Fight winter blues effectively
  • Avoid glaring day light lamps
  • Feel a different type of energy and focus compared to caffeine intake
  • Short applications
  • Perfectly easy to integrate into your daily routines
  • Find relaxation thanks to additional blue light filter lenses
  • Unique, patented technology

Science and Know-How

The development of the light glasses is based on 25 years of experience in the field of light therapy.

Findings from chronobiology (the science of the internal clock) have been incorporated into the light glasses‘ development. The special blue light is very pleasant compared to traditional day light lamps with 10.000 LUX, but equally effective!

The technology of the Propeaq light glasses is patented. It is the only mobile 2-in-1 solution on the market worldwide.

Its flexible integration into anyone’s routine makes the light glasses the perfect companion for more energy in day-to-day life.

Why you should be using these glasses!


  • Get out of bed more easily
  • Fight winter blues effectively
  • Avoid glaring day light lamps
  • Feel a different type of energy and focus compared to caffeine intake
  • Short applications
  • Perfectly easy to integrate into your daily routines
  • Find relaxation thanks to additional blue light filter lenses
  • Unique, patented technology

Science and Know-How

The development of the light glasses is based on 25 years of experience in the field of light therapy.

Findings from chronobiology (the science of the internal clock) have been incorporated into the light glasses‘ development. The special blue light is very pleasant compared to traditional day light lamps with 10.000 LUX, but equally effective!

The technology of the Propeaq light glasses is patented. It is the only mobile 2-in-1 solution on the market worldwide.

Its flexible integration into anyone’s routine makes the light glasses the perfect companion for more energy in day-to-day life.

Product details

Technical Aspects

There are special LED integrated into the glasses‘ frame – same as the rechargeable battery which will last for 5-7 days of usage.

You can fully recharge an empty battery in roughly 45 minutes and you can check the battery levels with a simple press on the on- / off button.

The lenses are interchangeable from blue (used in combination with the switched on blue LED) to orange (blue light filter functionality. Blue light is turned off).

Gentle blue light with 35 lux intensity, safe for the eyes according to DIN EN 62471 safety testing.

What’s inside

  • Light glasses ‚Propeaq‘ with integrated blue LED
  • 1 pair of light-blue colored lenses
  • 1 pair of orange-colored (blue light filter) lenses
  • Robust case for transportation
  • Microfiber cleaning bag
  • Micro-USB charging cable
  • Including free BASIC App for jet-lag prevention planning and night work (Android / iOS)

Wake up more energized and fight winter blues!

Start now with this mobile day light lamp that is energizing like another sunrise.

Use them right after wake-up for 30 minutes (blue light will then turn off automatically) and get the right amount of activation for YOUR DAY !

Whenever you feel tired during the day, add 20-30 minutes of blue light usage for more focus.

You have a question or want international shipping?

Get in touch with us!

Product details

Technical Aspects

There are special LED integrated into the glasses‘ frame – same as the rechargeable battery which will last for 5-7 days of usage.

You can fully recharge an empty battery in roughly 45 minutes and you can check the battery levels with a simple press on the on- / off button.

The lenses are interchangeable from blue (used in combination with the switched on blue LED) to orange (blue light filter functionality. Blue light is turned off).

Gentle blue light with 35 lux intensity, safe for the eyes according to DIN EN 62471 safety testing.

What’s inside

  • Light glasses ‚Propeaq‘ with integrated blue LED
  • 1 pair of light-blue colored lenses
  • 1 pair of orange-colored (blue light filter) lenses
  • Robust case for transportation
  • Microfiber cleaning bag
  • Micro-USB charging cable
  • Including free BASIC App for jet-lag prevention planning and night work (Android / iOS)

Wake up more energized and fight winter blues!

Start now with this mobile day light lamp that is energizing like another sunrise.

Use them right after wake-up for 30 minutes (blue light will then turn off automatically) and get the right amount of activation for YOUR DAY !

Whenever you feel tired during the day, add 20-30 minutes of blue light usage for more focus.

You have a question or want international shipping?

Get in touch with us!

Also some of the world’s best athletes use our blue light glasses

„There is something magic in these glasses!“


„I wished I had the Propeaq glasses for my active career, instead of these bulky, impractical light boxes that I used.“

„Track cyclists spend most of their time in training halls with artificial light. The glasses are a great help not only for trainings and competition, but also in my daily life!“

„The blue light glasses have become an essential tool on our many trips.“

Travel.Sleep.Perform by nomadperformance

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